Severe Outcomes Avoidance
and ReductionTM
Better Outcomes,
Better IncomeTM
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Better Outcomes, Better IncomeTM

  • We believe that the future of health care lies with those organizations that can improve both outcomes and costs; in fact they improve costs because they effectively and efficiently improve outcomes. Both effectiveness and efficiency are key.

  • We believe that PCP's are in the best postiion to play a pivotal role in both efficiently and effectively improving outcomes and therefore significantly improving costs. (See SOAR: Severe Outcomes Avoidance and ReductionTM.)

  • We believe that when PCP's come to play a pivotal role in efficiently and effectively improving outcomes and therefore costs, such PCP's will generate an ample and sustainable economic basis for markedly increasing their incomes.

  • Hence BOBI: Better Outcomes, Better Income: this is not your routine % or two or three, this is not subsidization of PCPs to capture market share; it is significantly and sustainably better incomes for such PCP's based on calculable value they themselves create.
Interested? We offer consultation services to help you and your organization achieve these goals. Contact us at